Friday, July 8, 2016

Netrunner Achievement League Season 3

Are you interested in playing Netrunner the Living Card Game, but have a hard time finding opponents?
Well, do we have an offer for you!  A league has formed for Netrunner right here at G&S.  Every Tuesday we will be hosting players for Netrunner and at the end of each league season, prizes will be awarded for the highest scores.  But Wait!!!  It gets even better!  Scoring is not based on who wins, alone.  No sir!  You can get points for achieving certain conditions in a game whether you won or not.  Losing with style... bonus!  Bringing a new player...bonus!  Whining about losing a match... um, no bonus.

Have you wanted to learn how to play, but have been daunted by the growing card pool of over 700 cards?
Not to fear!  The league is not about using certain cards for killer decks.  It is about being creative with whatever cards you have.  League play rewards diversity and creativity far more than meat damage or 9 card draws at the start of a game.  Each week will have a "theme".  You can bring whatever decks you want, but if a player keeps with the theme, they can earn bonus points.  If you have an idea for an achievement or theme, let us know!  We welcome input and want this to be as interactive as possible.

At this point are you asking yourself, "What are they even talking about?"

No worries!  We have designed teaching decks that will help you learn the basics of the game.  We would love for you to come by and have a go!  Many of our players would be happy to teach you how to play. Netrunner is a constructed deck card game where one player tries to hack into a mega corp to learn what nefarious secrets it is hiding.  The game is asymmetrical... each side plays a little differently.  The runner's goal is to hack into servers to find hidden agendas.  The corporation's goal is to stop the runner while at the same time advancing their agendas to score them.  A typical game takes about an hour to play.

If any of this sounds like fun for you, please join us on Tuesdays from 5:00- 8:30 for the Netrunner Achievement League.  The new season kicks off on May 2, 2016.
Stop by the store for a list of the achievements.  The league will run for 4 weeks.   Best of all... IT'S FREE!